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Excel Link Ansys Composite ACP(Pre)

    • ablanco953

      Hi erevyone!

      I want to use the Excel link tool to export the model variables and when I click the “Open Excel” button I get the following error: “No entity was provided for Excel interface”. Same happens with the Push to and Pull from buttons. I attach a couple of screenshots.
      I imagine that this error is because I have not linked correctly the excel with Ansys, but I dont know how to do it!
      Could someone help me? 
      Thank you very much in advance!!

    • Avnish Pandey
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Alberto,

      Please verify if the Excel folder exists in the installation directory at C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v2xx\Addins\MSExcel with all subfolders and dlls. Additionally, on the main Workbench window, ensure that the Microsoft Office Excel icon is activated by going to View > Toolbox Customization and enable the visibility of Microsoft Office Excel Component by checking the box next to it.


      • ablanco953

        Hi Avnish Pandey,

        Thanks a lot for the quick reply! For some strange reason, I had the Microsoft Office Excel icon disabled in Toolbox Customization.


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