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Error: Transient does not have field data for multiphysics thermal coupling at x ms

    • photoholicboy_cr2

      Hi guys,

      I have an electrical machine Ansys Electronics Desktop simulation with Maxwell and Icepak packages. The analysis time for both is 20 seconds with a time step of 1 second. Why did this error occur? What is the best solution to solve it? Thanks :)

    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Hi @photoholicboy_cr2 Can you confirm if the standalone Maxwell simulation of the electrical machine runs without any errors?
      I am just thinking why do you have such a long analysis time and step time.
      What is the frequency of operation and what is the rationale behind the 1 second time step?
      Please share additional information to understand the analysis setups of both maxwell and Icepak co-simulation.

      Regards Navya
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