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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Error in velocity calculation of descrete phase model

    • me22d077

      While working on a simulation, I observed that certain input parameters, such as flow rate and velocity, are not being reflected in the simulation results as expected.

      For example if I am giving flow rate as 0.00382kg/sec for 0.61mm diameter of nozzle I am not getting the velocity as 13.11m/s.I was using full solid cone angle.  This image I have obtained after flow time of 0.2 sec.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you're setting a cone angle that implies a particle injection, but you're displaying fluid velocity vectors. If that's the case, why would the fluid reach the injection speed? 

      • me22d077

        I was trying to validate a paper, they have used same cone angle and they also shown the velocity vectors. But they obtained the velocity correctly if we calculate using continuity equation. So Can you please explain it further how to obtaint the velocity,as I kept same flow rate and diameter to obtain same velocity?

    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Viraj,

      Can you please help us understand the issue better? I understand you have a DPM injection setup. Have you tried post-processing particle velocity vectors and see if it matches, maybe the paper you mentioned does that..

      • me22d077

        Okay. How to see particle velocity vectors in CFD post process?  It is asking to upload .trk* file.

        • Rob
          Forum Moderator

          Answered here  https://innovationspace.ansys.com/forum/forums/topic/tracking-of-a-particle-velocity-vector-of-spray/  Creating new topics rather than waiting is a really good way to annoy the Moderator team. 

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