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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Error in updating design points in the parameter table

    • abhishek.srivastava2

      Hello everyone,

      I am facing issues related to the update of design points in the parameter table. I gave the input (outlet pressure) and output parameters (several planes at different locations created using report definitions to get pressure and velocity) in the Fluent and provided design points in the parameter table but the design points are not updating upon clicking the 'update all design points'. Seems like the input parameter is not transferred to the next DP. Please let me know what could cause this issue. i am using 2023R2 license. Please find the relevant images attcahed and let me know if you need more info.





    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Set the Reporting Interval in the Solver panel to 3-5 ish. Depending on how big a change the solution has, and where the initial data came from, the solver may trigger converged state before the bc change alters the solution. 

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee


      It could be that you have a false convergence on the first iteration when starting your solution from the previous design points. If the Design Point Initialization is set to From Previously Updated, try to change it to From Current.

      In Workbench, click on the Paremeter Set in your project schematic, and chage Design Point Initialization from the Properties tab.

    • abhishek.srivastava2

      Hello Federico,

      Thank you for the response. The 'design point Initialization' is currently set to 'From current'. Should i change it to 'from previous updated'. Could you please explain this a little more? when i checked other DP's, i observe that the input parameter used in them is still of DP0 and not the one i set. Thus the values of output parameters are same for all DP's.


      @Rob - thank you for the suggetsion. I'll change the reposting interval and run the case again.   


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