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Error in Table input into ANSYS Fluent.

    • abdullahhassan


      I want to add a saturated ammonia table (Temp vs Pressure) for evaporation-condensation of ammonia. 

      As per guidance from ANSYS help , image attached below, i tried to input a table in ansys fluent

      The below image shows my input in ANSYS Fluent > User defined > read table > table file manager > read . 

      I tried multiple ways to input this data, check the directory name, i am getting below mentioned three errors for different variation but the table is not loading in ansys.


      Please guide me in this matter. 

    • abdullahhassan

      Dear Team, 

      Kindly guide me in this matter. Looking forward for your reply. 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What does you data look like in WordPad? Are there any white space characters in the file?

    • abdullahhassan

      Dear Rob, 

      It have put my data in excel and then read the table in ANSYS.

      But now, i just put my data in wordpad. below is the image.

      There is no spaces before and after Psat or Tsat etc. but one error i recieved is ",invalid column Psat"


      Other errors are "EOF in string read" etc. 

      You can see the errors in above post. there are total three different errors i recieved when i read tables with different setting.



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, write out csv and see it that works. It's very easy to get white space characters that confuse the Fluent data readers. 

    • abdullahhassan


      There are multiple csv formats here i found while converting .xlsx (excel) format. 

      .CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)

      .CSV (Comma delimited)

      .CSV (Macintosh)

      .CSV (MS-DOS)

      i tried all these formats and i am getting this error in console. 



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Pick one with no white space characters and no commas. 

    • abdullahhassan

      Yes, I have converted my excel .xlsx format into .csv (comma delimited). 

      .csv format is the one in which spaces are converted into commas.  

      But still i am getting this issue. 

      Can you help me with this. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What is different between your table and the example in the manual? 

      If you manually type in a few rows of data does that work? 

    • abdullahhassan

      I am just using saturation ammonia table. The table format is same, I follow the instructions online. 

      Maybe there is some issue while converting .xlsx file into .csv .

      I tried converting .xlsx format into .csv ONLINE this time. 

      Luckily, after reading the file into ANSYS, it is showing now (as shown below), previously, i was unlucky in this.


      but still i get this error. 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      The error means there's missing setting, basically you have a blank field somewhere. So, now the table reads in OK look through the rest of the set up. 

    • abdullahhassan

      Thank you so much Rob for your help.

      The issue is resolved. as you said before, tried to open the file in wordpad. I opened it and saved the file in .txt format. then i read the table in ANSYS and it works fine. 

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