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Set Thread Variable Error when running in cluster

    • uddin43

      I am facing an error related to heat transfer between interfaces. I am trying to run the simulation in cluster processor. I have used simply two cubes with a common interface. I shared the topology and maintained coupled interface wall. In local Ansys it is running smoothly. However activating energy equation, the cluster Ansys is showing the following error:

      Error: Set_Thread_Variables: wta(real)
      Error Object: ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))

      Error: Set_Thread_Variables: wta(real)
      Error encountered in critical code section

      I am not using any UDF just simple coupled heat transfer and with different velocity inlets temperature. I have checked geometries and tried many ways. This issue is arising only when energy equation is activated with an interfacial coupled wall. Where is the problem then, kindly help.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please can you post some images of the set up? Including the coupled wall settings and boundary condition list. 

    • uddin43


      Hi Rob,

      My actual problem is a shell and tube heat exchanger. But for finding the error, I simply generated the following cube setup. All the boundary conditions are shown in the below picture. I am also sharing the journal and shell files I have used. As I said, in local ansys the simulation is running with no errors, but the cluster is showing the error just after reading the boundaries, I have also attached the image of that. Kindly help.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Looks OK. Can you initialise & run locally?  Check the other wall boundary settings, and what is set on the outlets. 

    • uddin43

      Yes, it is working fine locally and providing results with non-conformal mesh also. However, I need to run this on cluster. Any more suggestion?
      Outlets are simple pressure outlet with guage pressure 0 and walls are no slip walls with 0 heat flux.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That's not a nonconformal interface, it's a conformal coupled wall. There's nothing in the journal that could be causing a problem, can you run on the cluster via GUI? What parallel settings are you using, and how many cores?

    • uddin43

      I understand it is a conformal mesh. In local ansys both conformal and non-conformal is working. In cluster, without activating energy equation, it is working fine. However when energy is activated, its not working. I am using 1 node 32 cores for the cluster. The parallel settings are mentioned in the bash file attached above.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      There's nothing in the model that should cause a problem. Have you tried running on fewer cores?  Which version are you running on?

    • uddin43

      Thank you Rob. The issue was with version. I was using a higher version of Ansys locally and changing my version worked properly. Thank you for your time and support. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That'll explain it. Newer cases may read into the older solver, but occasionally things don't quite work right. 

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