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Error in Inflation Layer to 3D Airfoil

    • Gavin Teoh

      Hi everyone. I am workin on Ansys Software Tutorial provided by Ansys and the instructor is Mitchell Boots from Univeristy of Newcastle (Australia). The particular tutorial I am working on is tutorial 4 Aerodynamics Analysis Part 1, you can download the PDF here

      On page 13/14, I do not know where to create the named section 'Airfoil'. Hence, I am keep getting error when attemping to apply inflation layer to the airfoil, the error text is: 'Please define a boundary for the inflation control'. Picture below shows my geometry and boundary selections for applying inflation layer.


      Any help will be very useful, thank you in advance!

    • Gavin Teoh

      Hi, I manage to solve this issue after a few attempts. The airfoil named selection should be done by selecting the inner surface of airfoil in SpaceClaim. After that, using scoping method of 'Named selections' and select 'Airfoil' from dropdown menu will employ the inflation layer as described in the tutorial. See attached picture for better illustration.



    • Nilay Pedram
      Forum Moderator

      Thanks for sharing. This will help others in the study. 

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