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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Error in Cyclic symmetry simulation

    • pavan kumar

      Hi, I am trying to do mesh the following geometry in cyclic symmetry boundary condition 

      these are mesh parameters i used


      However, I am always getting the error: Mesher failed to mesh topological edges. 

      error :One or more entities failed to mesh. The mesh of the bodies containing these entities may not be up-to-date.  However, meshing might be successful on the other entities.

      error : A mesh could not be generated using the current meshing options and settings.

      error: One or more objects may have lost some scoping attachments during the geometry update. You can identify these tree objects by filtering the tree using the Scoping option set to Partial.


      i tried all the possible ways to do meshing but still im not done the mesh 

      Does anyone know any solutions to this?

      and here i attached the file also please go through the file and do the needful 


      I am using the version is ANSYS 2019 R3.


      Thanks in advance 

    • Kaushal Vadnere
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Pavan,

      We have a similar discussion with solution to 'error: Mesher failed to mesh topological edges' here: Mesher failed to mesh topological edges (ansys.com)
      See if this helps.

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