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error in Ansys Fluent related to libansysfluidshdfsdk.so

    • dxc200018

      I get this error when trying to run an FSI simulation in the tutorial pack .

      /petastore/ganymede/home/SoftWare/List-Of-Software/Ansys-2022R2/v222/fluent/fluent22.2.0/lnamd64/3ddp_node/fluent_mpi.22.2.0: error while loading shared libraries: libansysfluidshdfsdk.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


      This happens when I load Fluent. What causes this and could you advice on a fix?

    • Hunter Wang
      Ansys Employee

      Check if environment variable I_MPI_ROOT is set, if so unset it and try again. 

      • dxc200018

        I tried that , but it still doesn't work. Do you have other suggestions?

    • Hunter Wang
      Ansys Employee

      Here is what I found in a launched Fluent v222 console: 

      >!ldd /apps/ansys_inc/v222/fluent/fluent22.2.0/lnamd64/3ddp_node/fluent_mpi.22.2.0 | grep libansysfluidshdfsdk.so
              libansysfluidshdfsdk.so => /apps/ansys_inc/v222/fluent/lib/lnamd64/libansysfluidshdfsdk.so (0x00007fe31c951000)

      make sure /petastore/ganymede/home/SoftWare/List-Of-Software/Ansys-2022R2/v222/fluent/lib/lnamd64/libansysfluidshdfsdk.so exists, if not check /petastore/ganymede/home/SoftWare/List-Of-Software/Ansys-2022R2/install.log and install.err, restall. 

      Run below, copy and paste output messages: 

      /petastore/ganymede/home/SoftWare/List-Of-Software/Ansys-2022R2/v222/fluent/bin/fluent -env

      Also try: 

      /petastore/ganymede/home/SoftWare/List-Of-Software/Ansys-2022R2/v222/fluent/bin/fluent 3d -t2 -g


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