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Error: Import failed Context: Import Feature Import1


    • phi0984437369
      hello everyone

      I designed this profile in CAD and saved it in IGS format but when I open it in designmodeler the software shows the error Error: Import failed. Context: Import Features Import1 I need help Thank you
    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, you might need to update your CAD Readers. 

      What software and version did you use to create your .iges CAD?

    • kevin.pancardoa

      Hello, I am having the same problem as "phi0984437369". I can import 3D geometries from solidworks using .iges and .STEP file formats. But the problem comes when I try to import 2D geometries. I am using Solidworks 2023, and ANSYS 2024 R2.

    • annawhuggins

      As with geometry dash scratch challenges, resolving this import issue requires systematic troubleshooting. First, ensure that the CAD file was exported correctly from the original software, verify the file format and version. You need to double check the security issue to get the fastest possible resolution.

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