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error compiling UDF with personal header file

    • Emma Hughes

      I am following ch5 in the UDF manual to link pre-compiled object files to the library in the VS command prompt for windows. when I execute the makefile I get these errors where it cant read my header files:

       cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type '..\..\src\header_external_calcs.h', object file assumed
      cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file '..\..\src\header_external_calcs.h' ignored

      I beleive they are included correctly at the top of both my main.c file and my external.c file that i have apready compiled into external.obj. i have the external.obj, user_nt.udf, and makefile in the ..\libudf\win64\3ddp_host and main.c and header_external_calcs.h in ..\..\src folder. 

      this is what my user_nt.udf file looks like 

      CSOURCES = $(SRC)main.c
      HSOURCES = $(SRC)header_external_calcs.h
      VERSION = 3ddp_node
      PARALLEL_NODE = smpi

      # Do not change the following line unless externally precompiled objects
      #  are to be included at the linking stage.
      #  For example: USER_OBJECTS = my_fortran_funcs.obj

      USER_OBJECTS = external.obj


      does anyone know why I am getting these errors?

    • Luca B.
      Forum Moderator

      Hi, it is not simple to provide an answer without seeing the files. There could be probably an error in the source files.

      Do you compile them with the same compiler version?

      I invite you to visit the following page with more information about the commands 5.3. Compile a UDF Using the TUI (ansys.com)

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