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error coincident nodes problem in Ansys Aqwa


    • Hilal Çelik

      Hi I modeled multiple structure as can be seen in figure and met the error of "drift coefficients cannot be calculated more than 8 structures" then I reduce the structure number and solve for hydrodynamic diffraction again, but in that time the error was come up with : 

      I saw one response about that topic but those suggests cannot applied on my model because they became solids but I must cut the surfaces from water line and as I know Aqwa does not accept as solid bodies, right? How can I solve the errors?

    • Pedram Samadian
      Ansys Employee


      Thanks for contacting us. Please see the response to a similar issue raised by another user in the following page: How to solve coincident nodes problem in ansys aqwa

      I hope it helps.

      Thank you,


    • Hilal Çelik

      thank you for your help. I tried all of these repairments mentioned in that post but they didn't work, I still encountered same errors. 

    • Pedram Samadian
      Ansys Employee


      No problem. I would suggest finding those elements using their ids. In this way, you can see if you need to merge the nodes or to adjust the node positions to ensure they are distinct.



    • Hilal Çelik

      how can I see these elements and nodes numbers and I filled the gaps in pontoon-1 but still I meet the same errors.

    • Ingrid M
      Ansys Employee


      you don't need to cut your surface at the water level. If you look at the details panel of the Mesh in the editor's outline, you will see an option to automatically create the nodes at the waterline. Note that Aqwa only works with surfaces and, as suggested above, check and repair your geometry if needed with T/X connections, overlappring/disconnected surfaces,etc... 

      You can also load your geometry into AqwaGS (load your DAT file available in the Aqwa Workbench working directory) to locate the problematic nodes.

      I hope this helps.


    • Hilal Çelik

      Thanks for your answering. How can I return before splitting the geometry, I tried but I can't and how can I open  AqwaGS and import the DAT file?

    • Ingrid M
      Ansys Employee


      Geometry manipulation: this takes place in the geometry editor (from the Workbench windows, right click on Geometry of your analysis system > edit)

      AqwaGS is available from your Windows Startup menu. Then, click on Plot > File. Load your DAT file. Or simply, from the main AqwaGS windows > File. 


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