July 11, 2023 at 2:45 am
Miyu Shimmoto
SubscriberThis problem occurs when importing an imput file in CHEMKIN format.
Does anyone know the cause of this problem? -
July 13, 2023 at 4:52 pm
George Karnos
Ansys EmployeeCan you post the exact error?
Also, some details of machine...OS, Graphics Card...
Were any errors experienced during install?
/Ansys Inc/install.log
/Ansys Inc/install.err
Please paste into thread as we are not able to open files.-
July 14, 2023 at 4:26 am
Miyu Shimmoto
SubscriberThank you to reply.
The exact error is only this, "Error at host: Error code: 127"OS of our work station is Windows. It has 56 CPU cores(Intel Xeon Platinum) and two Quadro GV100 GPU cards.Â
And following is "install.log".Do you need other information to deal with this problem??
Â>>>--------------------------------------->Start Installation: Wed May 31 09:55:11 2023Revision: 2023 R1ÂPlatform specifics:  WindowsUsername of Installer: DESKTOP-IKV1H1S\STSELUser Has Administrator PrivilegesC:\Users\STSEL\AppData\Local\Temp\ans_install_tmp5696\instcore.exe -usetempdir C:\Users\STSEL\AppData\Local\Temp\ans_install_tmp5696 -launchdir G:\windows -admin -manifestFileDir G:\windows\manifest\licenseInitial mount directory:  G:\windowsInstallation Directory:  C:\Program Files\ANSYS IncÂWindows x64   Ansys, Inc. License ManagerÂÂÂÂDate verification complete...No conflicts found.ÂReading the installation media contents - please wait. Extraction: G:\windows\instcore\tcl\COMMON.TGZ ... Extraction: G:\windows\instcore\tcl\WINX64.TGZ ... Extraction: G:\windows\licserv\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\lmcenter\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\license\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\clclient\WINX64.7z ...ÂPerforming licensing configuration via the following command...  C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\tools\bin\winx64\ansyslm_config.exe -install -lang en-us Extraction: G:\windows\hlp\hlplic\HLPLIC.7z ...ÂLicensing configuration has completed.ÂÂÂInstallation Complete: Wed May 31 09:56:47 2023<---------------------------------------<<<Â>>>--------------------------------------->Start Installation: Wed May 31 10:05:06 2023Revision: 2023 R1ÂPlatform specifics:  WindowsUsername of Installer: DESKTOP-IKV1H1S\STSELUser Has Administrator PrivilegesC:\Users\STSEL\AppData\Local\Temp\ans_install_tmp5696\instcore.exe -usetempdir C:\Users\STSEL\AppData\Local\Temp\ans_install_tmp5696 -launchdir G:\windows -adminInitial mount directory:  G:\windowsInstallation Directory:  C:\Program Files\ANSYS IncÂWindows x64   Ansys, Inc. Products     Fluid Dynamics        CFX (includes CFD-Post)        Chemkin        Energico        Model Fuel Library (Encrypted)        Reaction Workbench        EnSight        FENSAP-ICE        Fluent (includes CFD-Post)        Forte (includes EnSight)        Polyflow (includes CFD-Post)        TurboGrid     ICEM CFD     Motion     Offshore        Aqwa     Optical        Speos     Platform        optiSLang     Structural Mechanics        Additive        Mechanical Products        Material Calibration App   Ansys Additional Tools     Icepak (includes CFD-Post)     AcousticsÂÂLicensing files on the installation media have the same date or are more recent than those currently installed.   The files will be updated....ÂÂDate verification complete...Please see above messages for any detected conflicts.ÂThe installation will copy the prerequisite setup files from the media in case you need to reconfigure later or if you need to configure client machines for products installed to a network share.This may take a while ...Successfully copied prerequisites from media.ÂYou're missing required prerequisites.ÂInstalling MS ASP.NET Hosting Bundle 6.0.8Installing MS Desktop Runtime 6.0.8Everything was successfully installed.ÂReading the installation media contents - please wait. Extraction: G:\windows\framewrk\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\instcore\tcl\COMMON.TGZ ... Extraction: G:\windows\instcore\tcl\WINX64.TGZ ... Extraction: G:\windows\license\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\hlp\hlplic\HLPLIC.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\instutil\INSTUTIL.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\instcore\tcl\COMMON.TGZ ... Extraction: G:\windows\instcore\tcl\WINX64.TGZ ... Extraction: G:\windows\instcore\tk\COMMON.TGZ ... Extraction: G:\windows\instcore\tk\WINX64.TGZ ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\clientlicensing\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\clclient\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\subs\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\sgcharts\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fwgfx\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\commoninstall\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\ansconfigdll\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\common\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\common\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cpythext\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cpythcloudext\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cpythnew\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\hlp\hlpviewer\HLPVIEWER.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\help\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\7zip\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\angular-nvd3\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\angular-ui-context-menu\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\angular-ui-tree\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\angularjs\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\angularjs-slider\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\angularUI\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\bootstrap\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\d3\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\ffmpeg\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\IntelCompiler\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\jquery\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\ngInfiniteScroll\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\nvd3\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\qt\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\signalr\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\hdf5\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\zlib\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\openjre\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\wb\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addins\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addins\ansoft\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addins\matdes\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\wb\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\corewb\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cads\cadaisol\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cads\cadregistry\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\meshing\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\pyprime\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\blademodeler\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\apipsrv\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\designmodeler\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\syscplg\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\mechsrvplg\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\rsm\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\icemwb\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\turbosys\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cads\acispara\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\sec\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\spaceclm\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\spaceclm\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\ccm\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\ecadxltr\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cads\spatialiop\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\aas\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cfxcomon\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\minerva\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\granta_gateway\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addins\granta_gateway\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\granta_selector\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addins\granta_selector\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cads\stride\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cads\hoops\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addins\injmold\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\dpf\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\intelmkl2020.0.166\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cfx\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\cfx\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\cfx\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\post\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\cfdpost\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cfxcomon\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\cpprestsdk\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\chemkin\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\chemkin\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\chemkin\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\tp\intelmkl2021.3.0\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\energico\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\rdworkbench\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\ensight\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\ensight\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\nexus\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fensap\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\fensap\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\post\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cfxcomon\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\cfdpost\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fluentc\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fluents\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fluenta\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fluentu\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fluentp\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fluentm\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fluent2d\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fluent2ddp\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fluent3d\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\fluent3ddp\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\fluent\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\fluent\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\distcomp\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\ensight_components\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\polyflow\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\polyflow\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\matpro\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\polyflow\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cff\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\forte\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\forte\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\forte\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\turbogrd\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cfxcomon\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\tg\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\icemcfd\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\icemcfd\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\icemcfd\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\motion\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\motion_scdm_addin\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\motion\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\aqwa\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\aqwa\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\aqwa\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\speos\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\speos\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\anscust\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cads\cat5\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\speoslabs\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\speoslabs\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\speosdata\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\optislang\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\optislang\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addins\optislang\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addprint\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\addprnt\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addprintgeometry\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addprep\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\ansys\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\additive_cl\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\ansys\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\ansys\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\matdes\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\solver\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\data\DATA.GZ ... Extraction: G:\windows\apdl\APDL.GZ ... Extraction: G:\windows\python_site_mapdl\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\geompara\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\mech\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\acp\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\addins\acp\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\acp\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\shapeoptimization\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\dpf\plugins_autodyn\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\dpf\plugins_composites\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\matcal\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\cads\fusion\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\icepak\WINX64.7z ...ÂPerforming licensing configuration via the following command...  C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\bin\winx64\tclsh.exe C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\licadmin\scripts\LicAdminMain.itcl -silentinstallclient -release 2023 R1 -licserverinfo 2325:1055:DESKTOP-K6RPRKG -lang en-us Extraction: G:\windows\addincfg\icepak\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\configs\icepak\WINX64.7z ... Extraction: G:\windows\hlp\hlpicepaksa\HLPICEPAKSA.7z ...RSS is disabledÂLicensing configuration has completed.ÂCreating Start Menu items for Ansys client licensing ...Running C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigCommon.exeConfiguring Help ...ÂRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigHelp.exeÂANSYS Internet Doc has been configured.Running C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigWB.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\Framework\bin\Win64\Ans.DriverSetup.exeRunning "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\RSM\bin\AnsConfigRSM.exe" -encodingUTF8ÂConfiguring RSM...ÂÂÂConfiguring default RSM and ARC Port numbers for 2023 R1 ...ÂDone!ÂÂÂUser has Administrator privilegesÂÂÂ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ÂCreating Start Menu Shortcut for RSM 2023 R1 Configuration...ÂCreated Shortcut C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Ansys 2023 R1\Remote Solve Manager\RSM Configuration 2023 R1.lnkÂCreating Start Menu Shortcut for RSM 2023 R1 Job Monitor...ÂCreated Shortcut C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Ansys 2023 R1\Remote Solve Manager\RSM Job Monitoring 2023 R1.lnkÂCreating Start Menu Shortcut for RSM 2023 R1 Cluster Monitor...ÂCreated Shortcut C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Ansys 2023 R1\Remote Solve Manager\RSM Cluster Monitoring 2023 R1.lnkÂCreating Start Menu Shortcut for ARC 2023 R1 Configuration...ÂCreated Shortcut C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Ansys 2023 R1\Remote Solve Manager\ARC Configuration 2023 R1.lnkÂCreating Start Menu Shortcut for DCG 2023 R1 Configuration...ÂCreated Shortcut C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Ansys 2023 R1\Remote Solve Manager\DCG Configuration 2023 R1.lnkÂCreated Shortcut C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\RSM\bin\HPCServices\DCG Local Portal.lnkÂCreated Shortcut C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\RSM\bin\HPCServices\DCG Local Shutdown.lnkRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigSpaceClaim.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigCFX.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigCHEMKIN.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigEnergico.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigRDWorkbench.exeConfiguring EnSight ...ÂRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigEnsight.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigFENSAP.exeConfiguring ANSYS CFD Post ...ÂRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigCFDPost.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigFLUENT.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigPolyflow.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigFORTE.exeConfiguring ANSYS TurboGrid ...ÂRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigTG.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigICEMCFD.exeConfiguring Motion ...ÂRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigMotion.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigAQWA.exeConfiguring Speos ...ÂRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigSpeos.exeConfiguring Speos Labs ...ÂRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigSpeosLabs.exeConfiguring LS-DYNA ...ÂRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigOptiSlang.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigAdditiveDesktop.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigANSYS.exeÂÂAdding write permissions for Users and Administrators group ...Configuring ACP ...ÂRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigACP.exeRunning C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\configs\winx64\config\AnsConfigIcepak.exeRunning "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\aisol\..\commonfiles\CAD\bin\winx64\Ans.CadInt.CADConfigurationUtility.exe"ÂÂÂLog files is C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\CADConfigLogs\Latest\CADConfigurationMgr.logÂMessageLogger.logFilePath is C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\CADConfigLogs\Latest\CADConfigurationMgr.logÂErrorLogger.errorFilePath is C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\CADConfigLogs\CADConfigurationMgr.errÂPrerequisites ..... Configure SuccessÂSC Workbench PlugIn ..... Configure SuccessÂDiscovery Workbench Plugin ..... Not ConfiguredÂSuccessfully created file associations.ÂÂInstallation Complete: Wed May 31 10:17:31 2023<---------------------------------------<<<Installation Complete.ÂÂThanks for choosing Ansys Products!Â***IMPORTANT***After completing this installation, you need to run the Ansys, Inc. License Manager installation on each machine designated as a license server. These machines may have been specified during this installation or may have been previously specified.Â***WARNING***NVIDIA driver missing or deprecated. Please install or update NVIDIA driver to version 471.68.Speos Live Preview and Speos GPU Compute require NVIDIA GPU from Pascal generation or newer and driver version 471.68 or newer.Â
July 17, 2023 at 2:47 pm
Ansys EmployeeWhich software was used, Fluent or Chemkin?
What were the steps that you used to import the file?
Could you share some screenshots?
July 17, 2023 at 3:39 pm
Miyu Shimmoto
SubscriberI use Fluent.Â
Following are the steps for an error to appear:
1. Open Fluent without Workbench.
2. Import mesh which is made with Gmsh app.
  (the file format is ".unv")
3. Energy eq.: ON
4. Select "Species transport" for Species model.
5. Reactions: Volmetric ON
6. Select "CHEMKIN-CFD Solver" for chemistory solver.
7. Import CHEMKIN format mechanism
  (Select three types files: "chem.inp", "thermo.dat", "tran.dat"
8. When I click the "import" button, the error(code: 127) appears.
The chemical reaction model to be used are following three mechanisms(only input file):1. Connaire mech:
elementsh c o n arendspeciesÂÂh      h2     o       o2     oh       Âh2o     n2     ho2      h2o2    ar       Âendreactions              cal/mole  h+o2 = o+oh  1.915E+14  0.00 1.644E+04       rev / 5.481E+11  0.39 -2.930E+02 /  o+h2 = h+oh  5.080E+04  2.67 6.292E+03       rev / 2.667E+04  2.65 4.880E+03 /  oh+h2 = h+h2o  2.160E+08  1.51 3.430E+03       rev / 2.298E+09  1.40 1.832E+04 /  o+h2o = oh+oh  2.970E+06  2.02 1.340E+04       rev / 1.465E+05  2.11 -2.904E+03 /  h2+m = h+h+m   4.577E+19 -1.40 1.044E+05       rev / 1.146E+20 -1.68 8.200E+02 /  h2/2.5/ h2o/12.0/  o2+m = o+o+m   4.515E+17 -0.64 1.189E+05       rev / 6.165E+15 -0.50 0.000E+00 /  h2/2.5/ h2o/12.0/ ar/0.83/  oh+m = o+h+m   9.880E+17 -0.74 1.021E+05       rev / 4.714E+18 -1.00 0.000E+00 /  h2/2.5/ h2o/12.0/ ar/0.75/  h2o+m = h+oh+m   1.912E+23 -1.83 1.185E+05       rev / 4.500E+22 -2.00 0.000E+00 /  h2/0.73/ h2o/12.0/ ar/0.38/  h+o2(+m) = ho2(+m) 1.475E+12 0.60 0.000E+00!      rev / 3.090E+12 0.53 4.887E+04 /      low / 3.4820E+16 -4.1100E-01 -1.1150E+03 /  troe/0.5 1.0000E-30 1.0000E+30 1.0000E+100 /  h2/1.3/ h2o/14.0/ ar/0.67/  ho2+h = h2+o2  1.660E+13  0.00 8.230E+02       rev / 3.164E+12  0.35 5.551E+04 /  ho2+h = oh+oh  7.079E+13  0.00 2.950E+02       rev / 2.027E+10  0.72 3.684E+04 /  ho2+o = oh+o2  3.250E+13  0.00 0.000E+00       rev / 3.252E+12  0.33 5.328E+04 /  ho2+oh = h2o+o2  2.890E+13  0.00 -4.970E+02       rev / 5.861E+13  0.24 6.908E+04 /  h2o2+o2 = ho2+ho2   4.634E+16 -0.35 5.067E+04       rev / 4.200E+14  0.00 1.198E+04 /  DUPLICATE  h2o2+o2 = ho2+ho2   1.434E+13 -0.35 3.706E+04       rev / 1.300E+11  0.00 -1.629E+03 /  DUPLICATE  h2o2(+m) = oh+oh(+m) 2.951E+14  0.00 4.843E+04!     rev / 3.656E+08  1.14 -2.584E+03 /      low / 1.202E+17 0.00 45500. /    troe /0.5 1.0e-30 1.0e+30 1.0e+100/    h2/2.5/ h2o/12.0/ ar/0.64/  h2o2+h = h2o+oh  2.410E+13  0.00 3.970E+03       rev / 1.269E+08  1.31 7.141E+04 /  h2o2+h = h2+ho2  6.025E+13  0.00 7.950E+03       rev / 1.041E+11  0.70 2.395E+04 /  h2o2+o = oh+ho2  9.550E+06  2.00 3.970E+03       rev / 8.660E+03  2.68 1.856E+04 /  h2o2+oh = h2o+ho2   1.000E+12  0.00 0.000E+00       rev / 1.838E+10  0.59 3.089E+04 /  DUPLICATE  h2o2+oh = h2o+ho2   5.800E+14  0.00 9.557E+03       rev / 1.066E+13  0.59 4.045E+04 /  DUPLICATEendÂ2. Boivin mech:ÂELEMENTSN H OÂENDSPECIESN2        H         O2        OH        O         H2        H2O        HO2        H2O2          ÂENDREACTIONSH+O2 <=> OH+O               3.520e+16  -0.700 17069.80H2+O <=> OH+H               5.060e+04  2.670  6290.63H2+OH <=> H2O+H              1.170e+09  1.300  3635.282 H+M <=> H2+M               1.300e+18  -1.000   0.00H2/2.50/ H2O/12.00/H+OH+M <=> H2O+M              4.000e+22  -2.000   0.00H2/2.50/ H2O/12.00/H+O2(+M) => HO2(+M)            4.650e+12  0.440   0.00H2/2.50/ H2O/16.00/ O2/1.0/   LOW / 5.750e+19  -1.400   0.00 /   TROE/   0.5  1e-30   1e+30    /HO2+H => 2 OH               7.080e+13  0.000  295.00HO2+H <=> H2+O2              1.660e+13  0.000  823.00HO2+OH => H2O+O2              2.890e+13  0.000  -497.13             ÂH2O2(+M) => 2 OH(+M)            2.623e+19  -1.388 51323.00H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/   LOW / 8.153e+23  -1.918   49621.00 /   TROE/  0.735  94   1756.00    /2 HO2 => H2O2+O2              3.020e+12  0.000  1386.23       ÂHO2+H2 => H2O2+H              1.624e+11  0.607 23933.00END3. UT-JAXA mech:
ELEMENTSÂH O N AR HEENDÂSPECIESÂH O OH H2 O2 HO2 H2O H2O2 N2 AR HEÂENDÂREACTIONS              cal/moleOH+H2 = H2O+H 2.160E+08 1.51 3.43E+03 !n LLNLH +O2 = OH+O          1.910E+14    0.0    1.644E+04 ! LLNLO +H2 = OH+H 5.080E+04 2.67 6.292E+03 !a (Sutherland)Â! HO2 reactionsOH+HO2 = H2O+O2          2.890E+13    0.0    -5.0E+02 !nH +HO2 = H2+O2          3.660E+06    2.087  -1.45E+03 !Michael, Reverse ReactionH +HO2 = OH+OH          7.080E+13    0.0    3.0E+02 !MullerH +HO2 = H2O+O          1.340E+13    0.0   1.34E+03 !Boldwin, revisedO +HO2 = O2+OH 3.250E+13 0.0   0.000E+00 !b!HO2+HO2 = H2O2+O2 4.200E+14    0.0   1.2E+04 !cHO2+HO2(+M) = H2O2+O2(+M) 1.320E+11    0.0   -1.192E+03 !p              LOW/ 6.890E+14    0.0   -1.947E+03/ !pÂOH+OH = O+H2O 4.330E+03 2.7 -2.485E+03 !aÂ! H2O2 reactionsH2O2+H = H2O+OH          8.190E+08    1.55  3.455E+03 !o set-iiH2O2+H = HO2+H2          8.067E+19   -1.574 1.6838E+04 !oDUPLICATEH2O2+H = HO2+H2          1.042E+13    0.0   6.569E+03 !oDUPLICATEH2O2+OH = H2O+HO2 1.700E+18    0.0   2.9407E+04 !nÂDUPLICATEH2O2+OH = H2O+HO2 2.000E+12 0.0  4.27E+02 !nÂDUPLICATEH2O2+O =HO2+OH 6.620E+11 0.0 3.974E+03 !bÂ! reaconbination reactions! H+O2+MH+O2(+M) = HO2(+M)        1.933E+12    0.56    0.000E+00 !n    LOW/ 4.57E+18 -1.120 0.0/               !h (Ar)    TROE/ 0.62 1.0E-10 1.0E+10/              !i    O2/0.0/ H2O/0.0/ H2/0.0/ N2/0.0/ HE/0.0/       !H+O2(+H2) = HO2(+H2)        1.933E+12    0.56   0.000E+00 !n    LOW / 3.52E+18 -0.896 0.0/              !fit h    TROE/ 0.5 1.0E-10 1.0E+10/H+O2(+N2) = HO2(+N2)       1.933E+12    0.56    0.000E+00 !n    LOW/ 1.75E+19 -1.232 0.0/               !h (N2)    TROE/ 0.67 1.0E-10 1.0E+10/              !iH+O2(+O2) = HO2(+O2)       1.933E+12    0.56    0.000E+00 !n    LOW/ 1.41E+18 -0.849 0.0/               !h (O2),fit K. Hasegawa    TROE/ 0.5 1.0E-10 1.0E+10/H+O2(+H2O) = HO2(+H2O)      1.933E+12    0.56    0.000E+00 !n    LOW/ 3.63E+19 -1.0 0.0/                !n    TROE/ 0.81 1.0E-10 1.0E+10/              !nH+O2(+HE) = HO2(+HE)        1.933E+12    0.56   0.000E+00 !i,h    LOW / 2.83E+19 -1.32 359.6/              ! fit to fig.12 of Micheal    TROE/ 0.59 1.0E-10 1.0E+10/              !i!H+H+M = H2+M           7.000E+17   -1.0    0.000E+00 !e    H2/0.0/ H/0.0/ O2/2.2/ H2O/14.4/ N2/0.0/    !eH+H+H2 = H2+H2          1.000E+17   -0.6    0.000E+00 !eH+H+N2 = H2+N2          5.400E+18   -1.3    0.000E+00 !eH+H+H = H2+H           3.200E+15    0.0    0.000E+00 !e!H+OH+M = H2O+M          3.500E+22   -2.0    0.000E+00   !adjust    H2O/12.0/ AR/0.38/ HE/0.38/                !n=>H2O/6.4/ÂH+O+M = OH+M           6.750E+18   -1.0    0.000E+00 !k (cited by Konnov)    H2O/5.0/ÂÂO+O+M = O2+M           6.160E+15   -0.5    0.000E+00 !d    H2/2.5/ H2O/12.0/ AR/0.0/O+O+AR = O2+AR          1.890E+13    0.0  -1.79E+03 !dO+O+HE = O2+HE          1.890E+13    0.0  -1.79E+03 !!O+OH+M = HO2+M          1.350E+15   -0.216   0.000E+00 !German & MillerÂ!H2O2(+M) = OH+OH(+M)       3.0000E+14   0.0   4.8482E+04 !n    LOW /2.2900E+16   0.0   43634./!m (AR)    TROE/0.44 1.0E-10 1.0E+10/              !m    H2O/15.0/ H2/3.0/ O2/2.2/ N2/3.0/          !Rule of Thumb
Additionally, I tried the method to use console to import CHEMKIN format file, but the error also occurs.
If you need more imformation, I would like you to ask me.
July 18, 2023 at 3:15 pm
Ansys Employee- Please check in the Fluent working directory if there is a file named chem.out, and if yes, check its content to see if there are any error messages.
- The second screenshot shows that the path name for the thermo.db file contains non-ASCII characters. This might be the cause of the error. Are you using a non-English version of Windows? Does the path name look normal to you?
July 19, 2023 at 3:25 am
Miyu Shimmoto
SubscriberThe Chem.out file is not being generated.ÂRegarding the second screenshot, I apologize for the confusion. I am using the Japanese version of Windows, and the address displayed is not related to the import of "thermo.db." It is the default address shown when opening this window. I will provide a screenshot that includes the imported files "thermo.dat" and "tran.dat."ÂAttach the updated screenshot showing the imported "thermo.dat" and "tran.dat" files.ÂBased on the address shown, it does not appear to contain any non-ASCII characters. -
July 19, 2023 at 8:36 am
Ansys EmployeeIn that case, try the following to see what happens:
- Set the "Chemistry Solver" to "None - Direct Source"
- Unselect the option for importing transport property data
July 19, 2023 at 8:56 am
July 19, 2023 at 8:55 am
July 19, 2023 at 11:00 am
Ansys EmployeeIs this the first time that you use the import CHEMKIN Mechanism feature?
Please perform the following test:
- Select methane-air under Mixture Material in the Species Model dialog box, then click on the "Ok" button.
- Set up the case with some sensible boundary conditions
- Initialise the flow and calculate for a few iterations to see if you are able to do this
- The topic ‘error code 127’ is closed to new replies.
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- ANSYS 2024 R2 Student License Manager Error
- unexpected license problem; exiting. hit return to exit.
- Ansys Student 2025 R1 – Ansys Discovery did not install
- No FlexNet Publisher (FNP) license found for feature HPC Parallel.
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- Workbench application not showing up after installing Ansys Student 2024 R2
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