October 19, 2023 at 8:50 pm
SubscriberI am performing a welding simulation (coupled thermal-structural analysis), it's a transient analysis (50 load step). In the last load step in the structural part, I perform a re-start to change the boundary conditions of my geometry. When I try to read the results, I get the following error message for each load step prior to the last one (50):
*** WARNING *** CP = 2503.844 TIME= 22:09:32
Cumulative iteration XX may have been solved using different model or
boundary condition data than currently stored. POST1 results may be
erroneous unless you RESUME from a Jobname.DB file for this su-bstep.The calculation set is the following:
nlgeom,onsolcontrol,onlnsrch,offeqslv,pcg,,2!eqslv,sparse,,2pcgopt,5,,,,,incorepred,onautots,offkbc,0nropt,full,,onneqit,200cnvtol,u,1,0.02,2cutcontrol,plslimit,5nsubst,1,1,1allsel,alloutres,all,noneoutres,all,allHow can I fix this warning?Best regardsJacqueline -
October 20, 2023 at 6:45 am
Erik Kostson
Ansys EmployeeHi
I think all it says is that your .db and .rst results file are different (BC or mesh), and hence gives you the warning.
As it says use resume before restart, or when you enter POST1 to load the correct .db sub step matching the .rst file you are looking at. I hope this helps.
Also this should be of help and explain things perhaps:
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