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General Mechanical

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Error about “unable to converge on a solution”

    • Eclair

      I'm  working on  Transient Dynamics on Ansys Workbench, Doing analysis about revoluting Electric wire Reel.
      I'm using Student license, 2020R1 version.

      I made about 25000 nodes on mesh generation, and tried analysis for 30 seconds.
      And I set every part as 'flexible' except one part, because I thought it could be Rigid as it doesn't move.
      I made Contact for contact sizing(mesh generation), and other contact conditions were set as Joint conditions.
      I set constant revolution speed, include linear increasing and decreasing on start part and finish part.
      I set Bearing load, because as Reel revolutes, the wire on Reel become heavier.
      And I chose 'Total Deformation', 'Von-mises Strain', 'Von-mises Stress' as solving parameter.

      When every time I tried to Solve, The error message which is "The solver engine was unable to converge on a solution for the nonlinear problem as constrained.  Please see the Troubleshooting section of the Help System for more information." appears.
      And Solving stops for only 3 seconds section.

      Even though I tried to find some solution on Ansys community, but I can't find answer for my problem.
      Does 'unable to converge on a solution' means parts got into large deformation or got into failure(Broken)?
      Does anybody get some help on this problem? 
      Even some possibility or suggestion would be appreciated.

    • peteroznewman

      Please insert some images of the geometry you have and the boundary conditions you applied. Show the mesh you used.

    • Eclair

      Thanks for replying, peteroznewman.

      There are 4 contacts, and 5 Joints in my model.
      And I made some meshing settings.
      Face meshing on cylinderical plane of reel, Sizing on total parts(except hanle at the top), and Contact sizing on reel-base contact and reel-reel handle contact.

      And I gave Bearing load(Purple one), Rotational Velocity on reel(Red one), Rotational Velocity on reel handle(Green one).

    • peteroznewman

      Please describe the purpose of this model. What question was it built to answer?

    • Eclair

      I wanted to know the deformation or stress on this model while being revolute.
      There was not specific question about model, because it is our univ's homework, which is to made some simple model for transient structural, and solve that.

    • Wenlong
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Eclair,

      Can you provide the last frame the model is able to run successfully? By looking at that we can have a better idea of what is the issue. 

      Can you also provide the Force convergence plot? It tells the Newton-Raphson residual and its comparison with the convergence criterion. If the purple line falls below the blue line, then convergence succeeds. This graph can help you identify when does the un-convergence happen. 

      Also, what is your substep size? 

    • Eclair

      Hi, Wenlong.
      Thank you for replying my thread.

      I really appreciate your attention to my problem, But I had solved my problem moments ago.
      I met my univ's assistant, and he told me that I doubled the contact condition, which means there were some useless and contradict conditions each other.
      When I rearranged my contact condition, the analysis worked well.

      To conclude, my problem has eventually solved, So I feel sorry and appreciation for everyone who took attention and effort to solve my problem.

    • Wenlong
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Eclair,

      Thanks for the update. 




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