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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

*** Error 40058 (SOL+58) retractor 1000002:convergence failure at time1.01E+02

    • Abraham Thomas Chirathalattu


      I am trying to run a crash simulation and the above error termination occurs. It says retractor convergence failure at time 101.3ms. I am using LS-DYNA R13 double precision solver to run the job. Can anyone please help resolve the issue? the following are the restractor parameters used: 

      TDEL: 0.5

      PULL: 5.0

      LFED: 12.0

      loading and unloading curves are defined and are based on coupon tests conducted. 

    • Ram Gopisetti
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Abraham, 

      This error can be triggered if the material type and/or load curve used in pull-in and pull-out for retractor may have a problem. Please check and make sure there is no unrealistic values set.


    • 99993959


      Can you reslove it?I have a similar question:

      *** Error 40057 (SOL+57) slipring 1000024:convergence failure at time1.01E+02

      but I can't find the slipring 1000024 in my model.

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