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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Error 10907 (KEY+907)

    • Ariq Indra Pratama

      How can i solve this error?

    • igandiko
      Ansys Employee

      This look like a generic keyword read error. Do you have *parameter any chance with hpres? What happens if you change the name? 

      • igandiko
        Ansys Employee

        Please also check if there are multiple functions with the same name (maybe in the include files?)

      • Ariq Indra Pratama

        I think it stands for hydrostatic pressure and nothing happened after I changed the name, did you see any error on my parameter here?

        • igandiko
          Ansys Employee

          Please locate the ls-dyna input file writen by WB LS-DYNA. It should be in the solution directory (right click soluton > open solver directory > input.k). Please check *DEFINE_FUNCTION cards in the file. Most likely you have multiple *DEFINE_FUNCTION cards with same name (hpres) and ls-dyna solver is triggering an error. Function names should be unique. I think WB is using same function name for all objects defined for hydrostatic pressure. 

          A workaround is to just add one object and for the second one, use keyword snippet to manually added *LOAD_SEGMENT and *DEFINE_FUNCTION cards while making sure function name is unique. 

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