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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Enter expression for Turbulent intensity or turbulent kinetic energy

    • NimaNZ

      Hi everyone

      I want to apply a specific profile for turbulence intensity, dependent on the distance from the ground (y), in the inlet boundary conditions, but here is an error:

      my input for turbulence intensity profile: A*((y/B[m])^(-C))

      and the error is: expression is not single-valued.

      I would be delighted to have your advice on this.

      Thanks in advance

    • aitor.amatriain
      If C>0, then the expression is not single valued. You should add some kind real and/or absolute value operators, depending on the values of y, B and C (it is possible to have real/complex and positive/negative roots).
    • NimaNZ
      Thank you Could you please give me an example of how I can fix this?
    • aitor.amatriain
      I do not use expressions, but for UDFs, I would use functions as real() or fabs
    • NimaNZ
      Thanks a million for your help
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