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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Enable system coupling results option

    • taegoon

      Hello i'm doing FSI simulation.

      as shown in photograph, the Result option is off state.

      i wanna enable the result option. (I wanna generate result file)

      please let me know how to setting

    • taegoon


      i tried WriteEnsight() but it does not work as shown (Furthermore, In outputcontrol, i set up the last step option for the Results but in system coupling the result option is still off)


    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee


      Set the option to EnsightGold in System Coupling GUI from Setup > Output Control > Results > Type > EnsightGold.

      • taegoon

        I'm really appreciate for your reply!

        in system coupling gui, i entered DatamodelRoot().OutputControl.Results.Option='last step' and then click the Results in tree and set the last step or programme controled as follow. Then i selected the Type as Ensight gold as following your kind comment. However, the option is still off and SyC/Results folder was not generated.


        But as you can see in the attached photo, i only specified the OutputControl in system coupling GUI!


        do i need to set the option such as, participant and interface, to make it works?

        if so can i get an examples or manual to set system coupling gui for the two way FSI by fluent and mechanical?

        or is there any other way to solve it?


        i sincerely need your help !


        best regards,



    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      You can refer to Reed Valve FSI Co-Simulation with Partial Setup Export from Workbench (Fluent-Mechanical) (ansys.com) to learn more about Fluent-Mechanical two way coupling setup.

      • taegoon

        i'm really appreciate for your fast response, 


        Thank you,


        i'll try it again based on the manual


        thank you :)!

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