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elliptic area

    • hakaera

      How can I draw an elliptical area in Ansys apdl with major axis 20mm and minor axis 10mm. i cannot find the right command about it

    • harshvardhan.negi
      Ansys Employee

      Although there is no direct command to define an ellipse in APDL, there is a command that defines an area by connecting keypoints (that can be defined by user).
      It might be helpful to check it out:
      A (ansys.com)

      I hope this helps.

    • mrife
      Ansys Employee

      Hi hakaera

      Please see the MAPDL Modeling and Meshing Guide, chapter 3.1 on global and local coordinate systems:


      You can create a local elliptical coordinate system.  Then circles created are really ellipses.  Alternatively you could create keypoints that follow a conic equation and then define a spline by the keypoints.  It's been quite a while since I wrote this but check out https://ansys-net.svsfem.cz/macros/para-2.mac  or go to ansys.net and search for 'rife' and you will find my few entries.  One is on creating hyperbolas, ellipses, or parabolas.


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