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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Electrolyzer/Fuel Cell Modelling

    • Diogo Martinho

      Dear all,

      Does anyone know or have a model of a fuel cell/electrolyzer that could share where you haven't used the module Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer from Fluent, but you defined several properties using UDF/UDS? 
      I would be looking forward to also have a possible meeting and discussion about the model

      I would really appreciate any help,
      Best regards,

    • Aleksey Gerasimov
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Diogo,

      Just tried to answer your other question. Please let me know which type of electrolyser you are trying to model e.g PEMWE, Alkaline or SOEC or an Alcaline without membrane? I can see that you are aware of our FC&E, but there are other types of solutions available and it would help to have more background information.


      Best regards,


      • Alejandro Mani

        Dear Aleksey,

        I´m trying to model a PEM Water Electrolyzer in Fluent using the module Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer. Do you know If there is a tutorial about this topic and how to get it? 

        Thank you and Best Regards,



    • Diogo Martinho

      Dear Aleksey,

      I just saw your answer to this question now, but it is an alkaline electrolyzer cell

    • afrozalam

      Hello Diogo,


      I am trying to model alkaline water electrolysis model on ansys fluent. May i get the module like PEMFC which has been mentioned in the ansys fluent tutorial guide. Kindly let me know i will be highly thnakful for this.


      Thanks and regards



      • Mohamed Ahmed

        might you send me a link to pem electroysis tutorial ?

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