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Electric Field Intensity


    • mwhitby

      Is there a way to extract the electric field intensity at a point from a simulation? I was looking at the script command farfieldexact() but I don't know if this does what I want it to do. I also found the Electrical field monitor but this I believe just gives electric field at points not electric field intensity. Is there a way for me to give the program a point and ask it to calculate the resulting electric field intensity at that point? I would imagine that in order to create Modal fields plots for E intensity the simulation must have access to the data. I just can't seem to see how to extract it. Any information is appreciated. Thanks!

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee
      Sure, in FDTD you can get E,H, and Poynting vector at any point inside the simulation region, as long as you choose to record them in the monitor settings, by use of a frequency-domain monitor.
      When you say electric field intensity, do you mean abs(E)^2? if yes, you can simply use
      getelectric - Script command
      More generally, you can get the vector E and intensity by use of
      EE=getresult(Monitor name","E"); # the result is a dataset Introduction to Lumerical datasets
      Ex=EE.Ex; #Ex component of the electric field
      E2=EE.E2 # intensity of E, eg abs(E)^2;
      please refer getresult - Script command
      you can use "?" to get the data you can extract from a monitor:
      ?getresult("monitor name")
      or the parameters in the dataset "EE" from above script:

      Please try and let me know if you have questions.

    • mwhitby
      Thank you! This was very helpful. Just to confirm, the values from abs(E)^2 are what are used to plot the E intensity in modal fields plots is that correct? Thank you again !
    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee
      Yes, you are right. It is abs(Ex)^2+abs(Ey)^+abs(Ez)^2, which is the abs(E)^2, and the result of getelectric, as well as the E2 in the data above mentioned.
    • Rishad Arfin

      This was helpful.

    • namratah

      Hello Sir!

      I'm not able to open the scripts.

      Please help in it.

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