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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.


    • ADITYA

      In ansys 18.2, while I am running a 2d turbine simulation  using 6 DOF under dynamic mesh module is it necessary to give moment of inertia (IXX,IYY and IZZ) in 6DOF properties. If it is, which moment of inertia  (out of these three) I have to calculate for my simulation.

    • Raef.Kobeissi
      Hello ADIYTA
      IXX, IYY and IZZ are indeed the mass moment of inertia. In a 2D object you can use the perpendicular theorem to calculate the 3 of values of IXX IYY and IZZ. IZ=IX + IY , if the object has rotational symmetry then you have the advantage of having IX = IY (XY is the plane of your rotating object)
    • ADITYA

      Thank you sir, Sir in  one of your tutorial in you tube titled "  CFD ANSYS Tutorial - Simulating Turbines using dynamic mesh and 6DOf | Fluent" you have taken moment of inertia in kg-m2 of 2d object in 6DOF properties . Is it 2 IXX only or something different. For 2d surface how moment of inertia can be in kg-m2.

      At last Sir, Thanks for your quick reply.





    • Raef.Kobeissi
      Hi ADIYTA The rotation would have been around the Z axis so that would be the IZZ
    • ADITYA

      Sir, Thanks for your help in my project work.



    • Raef.Kobeissi
      You’re most welcome ADITYA!
    • ADITYA

      Sir, Sorry to disturb you again. Actually I am working on Darrieus type vertical axis wind turbine with three blades of NACA 0018 profile. After following the procedure you have adapted in your tutorial  titled "  CFD ANSYS Tutorial - Simulating Turbines using dynamic mesh and 6DOf | Fluent" the turbine is not at all rotating. Here i have two different zones one for stator and other for rotor, the rotor is equipped with three blades of the turbine at 120 degree angles apart. Sir where is the problem. Wating for your reply.



    • Raef.Kobeissi
      Hello is it 3D? Can you post some pictures of your setup please.

    • ADITYA

      Thank you Sir for your reply. Sir it is a 2D simulation. Here I have attached the picture of 2d simulation of darrieus wind turbine.



    • ADITYA

      Sir waiting for your reply. Sir please retrieve me out from this problem.I have followed all the steps of your tutorial but still its not rotating.


      With Regards


    • sergiks

      Sir, returning to "CFD ANSYS Tutorial - Simulating Turbines using dynamic mesh and 6DOf | Fluent", could you tell please, how we can calculate angular velocity of turbine in this case?

    • Raef.Kobeissi
      In the dynamic mesh properties window you can see the angular velocity of the moving object and I believe you can write a data file for each time step.
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