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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Dynamic Mesh in Fluent

    • hatamimasoud68


      I am simulating a single-tooth gear pump with an upstream and downstream flow in ANSYS Fluent. I uploaded my geometry here. The thickness of my geometry is 0.02mm. I want to move the face and side walls of the gear throw domain. At first, I used the moving wall, but I received an error message that the direction of the rotation was perpendicular to the rotational axis, so I decided to use a dynamic mesh. I don't have experience in dynamic mesh.I consider the outer walls of the domain to be periodic. I think if I rotate the walls of the gear, it will crash into the periodic walls and diverge the solution. Is there any way to solve my problem???

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please sketch out the whole domain. The image above doesn't make much sense for a CFD model. 

      • hatamimasoud68

        Dear Rob. I updated the geometry. Actually, this is the domain that first came to my mind. As you see, its a single domain where I tried to move the gear faces, but I couldn't, and it came with an error.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, the gear is spinning inside a single cavity? No inlets or outlets? 

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