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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Dynamic adaption vs. prismatic adaption


    • sjohn

      I am following an ANSYS video titled "Efficient Modeling of Spray Brakup using VOF-to-DPM Transition". There is mention of selecting Dynamic Adaption under Adpation Control. In the version (2024 R1) of Fluent I am using, there is an option for Prsimatic Adaption. Are they the same?

      In the Prsimatic Adaption, window I don't see an option for frequency (time-step). Thanks

    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee


      prismatic cells are small and thin cells, they usually make up the boundary layers and tight gaps. Prismatic adaption makes sure the PUMA adaption on these thin cells split them anisotropically. It helps with getting good refined cells. Do check the Fluent user manual for more details.

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