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DPM UDF Compiling Error

    • Adam Cutright

      I am writing a UDF that contains both a DPM law and DPM sources. I have two DPM injections of different particle types and at different locations, one injection is intended to represent CO2 bubbles that will dissolve in the aqueous phase which I had previously gotten working. The second injection is solid particles that are intended to grow in size based on the concentration of a corresponding species in the continuous phase. In order to distinguish between the two seperate injections I am trying to use an if-else statement shown below, with the associated "include" statements. When I try to compile using Fluent's built in compiler I get this error.

      lld-link: error: undefined symbol: TP_EVAP_SECIES_INDEX

      This would seem to indicate that that TP_EVAP_SPECIES_INDEX is not a recognized macro despite it being listed in the Fluent customization guide and me having the dpm_types being loaded in the UDF. If anyone understands why this is happening I would greatly appreciate the help. 

      #include "udf.h"
      #include "dpm.h"
      #include "dpm_types.h"
      if (TP_EVAP_SECIES_INDEX(tp) == 0)
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Where did you find it in the manual? I've just checked the 2024R2 documentation and can't see it. Have a look at  P_INJ_ID(TP_INJECTION(tp))  

      • Adam Cutright

        I was reading the Fluent Customization Manual and found that particular macro in Can you point me to the section that contains P_INJ_ID(TP_INJECTION(tp))?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Which version of the manual are you looking at?   https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/public/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v242/en/flu_udf/flu_udf_DataAccessMacros.html  is the current with no mention of that macro. The DPM macros were updated a few releases back, so it's possible you're reading an older version of the manual.  

    • Adam Cutright

      I am reading the 2024 R2 Fluent Customization manual, when I followed the link you posted above I still see the macro I was talking about in section which is in section 1 of the customization manual "creating and using user defined functions."

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Can you check if your code has TP_EVAP_SECIES_INDEX or TP_EVAP_SPECIES_INDEX as I read the macro from the section of code you posted?

      • Adam Cutright

        I'm sorry to have taken your time, that was the issue, my UDF is functioning properly now. Thank you for your help.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      No worries. I think typos cause almost as many problems as bad coding! I'd not spotted it either. 

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