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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

DPM model in the Fluent

    • Adam CwudziÅ„ski

      Good mornig, I need a help with dpm model

    • Kishan Konannavar
      Ansys Employee


      I request you please describe the issue you are facing and the specific aspect in which you need assistance. Accompanying your query with images would be very helpful.

      Thank you

    • Adam CwudziÅ„ski


      Thank You very much for your reply. I considered batch reactor with water mixing by top lance via nitrogen - simple system. I used DPM model and my question is about operating density. The system not include heat transfer, constant density of water and gas. I use only wall boundary condition, with at top of reactor witch escape boundary for nitrogen. I performed simulations for operating density equal density of nitrogen or water but for both the results are not valid with resulst obtained for physical experiments of water/air system in the lab.

      Thank You for help.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please can you post some results and what difference there is relative to the lab work? 

    • Adam CwudziÅ„ski


      I obtained different values of time mixing. Too large difference, by numerically mixing is too slow. In the Fluent I used species model to tracer adding. Is it possible to use DPM model without operating density? I performed many simulations via Fluent over 20 past years, but this time I can not detect errors in my Fluent settings. Could You write me suggestions to the which density value should be used in my case. 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Operating density may effect how the flow field behaves, but shouldn't do anything to the DPM model. As I have no idea how the flow field is behaving I can't give any guidance on settings, so please post some results so I can see what's going on. 

    • Adam CwudziÅ„ski

      Dear Rob,

      Thank You very much, so now I know that potential problem is elsewhere.


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