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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Does reaction slow the particle velocity?

    • Kevin Chen


      I`m trying to crack methane in ANSYS FLUENT,and I select the species model of species transparent ,volumetric reactions and click Finite rate/not TCI at turbulent-chemistry interface in Discrete Phase Model.(see the figure below)

      Finally,I check out the particle tracks, and the results shows that veocity(12 sec) is more than three times at cold flow(38 sec,without reaction.)

      Could anyone help me to figure out this strange situation? ????
      thanks a lot!!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      The reaction won't slow the particles, but.... The reaction will probably alter the flow field which will affect the particle speed. So, what's going on in the flow? You need to post process everything and not try and understand a flow based on only one of Reports, DPM tracks, contours, vectors: you need to review ALL of those. 

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