General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Distance between two points in Static Structural

    • kayla-anne.e.jack


      The mechanical test below shows deformation in the X-Axis for my model.  How can I get the distance between the min and max points before and after the laod is applies? I intend to use the values to calcuate diametrical strain at the region (change in diameter/original diameter).

      And is there anyways to automate the process? ie. can I create a graph compareing the force applied to the system to the diametrical strain?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      This post might be useful:

      All the best


    • kayla-anne.e.jack

      Hello, thank you for your reply. Unfortunatly that post doesn't explain how to find the distance between the points before the load is applied. Is it possible to measure these points before running the simulation? I have created nodes at the min and max points, however I don't know how to measure the distance between the nodes.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      We can use selection information and select these 2 nodes - that will give the distance between them before the deformation.

      Search/google for that: selection information and ansys

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