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display in lsprepost

    • Changping Yi

      Hi, everyone, I have a problem with displaying the model in lsprepost. The attached model should be circle, but it displays as  an oval.It has different scales horizontally and vertically. Does anyone know how to reset the scales? Thanks!

      Kind regards,


    • ytian

      Are you looking at the true view of the part? I noticed that your X axis is shorter than the Y.

    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee
      Please check if you're viewing it from a perspective view.
    • Changping Yi

      Thank you, ytian and Deepak, for your reply! yes, I do not know why the X-aixs is shorter than the Y. it is not from a perspective view. it happened occasionally,   one day or some time later, LSPP can display  figures normally, but I did nothing to LSPP. 

    • Raman Babu
      Ansys Employee

      Some native Microsoft graphics cards do not perform well with LSPP because we use the 3D features of OpenGL.
      If you have a better graphics card in your PC, please use that instead.

      For Window, please RMB on desktop-->Display Settings- Graphics
      Browse the LSPP installation and select LSPP executable as shown below



      Click on Options of selected LSPP version and select high end driver option.

      Please try it and let me know how it goes.

    • Changping Yi

      Hi Raman,

        Thank you for the instructions! unfortunately, the images failed to load. I cannot see the images.  I use LSPP in a cluster. it happened to LSPP49. LSPP411 is also available in my cluster, but it has some bugs. when generating a movie in gif, the color of text and figures is weird. when opening a binout file and printing a figure, the default fold for the printed figure is the parent fold instead of the fold that the binout file is in. 

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