

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Display a vector or contour and the mesh lines together via TUI command

    • admin
      Ansys Employee

      In Fluent, the TUI command required to display the grid along with the vector and contour display is: /display set render-mesh yes Example: Command to display wall1 and wall2 along with velocity contour at z = 1 /display set-window 1; open Window1 /display set mesh-surfaces wall1 wall2 (); display mesh outline of wall1 and wall2 /display set contours surfaces z=1 (); select the surface where you want to display the contour(z = 1) /display set render-mesh yes; display mesh /display contour velocity-magnitude 0 1; display the velocity contours (range 0-1) on the surface (z = 1)

    • admin
      Ansys Employee

      How do I display a vector or contour and the mesh lines together via TUI command?

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