February 28, 2023 at 4:25 amteddie smithSubscriber
I want to get a reflection data according to viewing angle.
Then I know that I need to use grating function because my structure is infinitely periodic.
But when I found an example about diffraction grating from FDTD, there were only discrete point.
I want to draw a continuous graph. I uploaded some reference graph.
So, how can I get a data from -90 (or -89) to 90(or 90) degree to this graph?
February 28, 2023 at 5:19 pmGuilin SunAnsys Employee
As you know, infinite period grating creates diffraction at isolated diffraction angles. So your result is correct.
As for the published result, please check the paper again. I suspect that its incidence is a cone beam, such as from a microscope objective. because of broad incident angles, it may induce continuous angular distribution. From your grating analysis, the 1st diffraction has diffraciton angle of 30deg. therefore, I guess the incident beam would have about 30 deg cone. Please check.
March 2, 2023 at 5:56 amteddie smithSubscriber
They used a normal incident light with a plane wave.
Anyway, I solved the problem. Thank you.!
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