General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Difference in edge to edge and surface to surface beam connection

    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      Shouldn't it be the only surface to surface beam connection as there will always be washer or bolt head touching one of the surface but there is also the option of selection one scope as edge of the bolt hole at one side of 1st plate and bolt hole edge of other plate?


    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee


      For defining the bolt pretension you can choose a vertex-edge or vertex-face type connection, to represent the force of the distribution on the edge or face due to bolt preload. The choice of connection type in ANSYS depends on the representation of the bolt (solid or beam) and the specific requirements of the simulation. It's not always limited to surface-to-surface connections, and edge selections can be used as part of the modeling process when appropriate.

      Refer: Intro To Connections Using Ansys Mechanical — Lesson 1



    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      but in real world scenarios, how can the force be transferred through an edge ? It has to be face of washer/bolt head right? from where the force transfer will take place. So in what case will we see the force transfer through an vertex/edge ?

      • Deepak
        Ansys Employee

        Force transfer through a vertex or edge is a simplification used in modeling to represent the effect of the bolt without the complexity of modeling every detail. This approach is beneficial for reducing computational effort and simplifying the model while still capturing the essential behavior of the bolted connection.



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