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Diesel with Ammonia/Hydrogen blend combustion

    • Manigandan sekar


      I am trying to solve the Port-Injected Spark Ignition Engine. I cant find any reaction file related to this combination (H2/NH3 with diesel). Can you please help. 



    • Vijay Narayan
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Mani,

      I'm checking internally on the availability of a reduced mechanism having Ammonia, Hydrogen and Diesel components. I will update you once i get a feedback.

      Else, you would have to use any of the MFL encripted mechanism for Diesel (available insider Ansys installation folder) and reduce it using Reaction Workbench platform

      Typicall location for the MFL mechanism is as mentioned below:

      C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\reaction\data\ModelFuelLibrary\Full

      Tutorial on mechanism reduction is available in the link below

      Chapter 2: Tutorial Lessons (ansys.com)

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