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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Detonation Shocktube Setup

    • dkmenend

      Hi, I am a student trying to set up a detonation combustion wave propogating through a tube. I want to make sure I am accounting for everything I will need in my setup. 

      1) I need to setup the right species model for the h2+air reaction. 

      2) I need to define a adaptive mesh to resolve the shockwave properly.

      3) Is there a correct turbulence model for this application?

      I would appreciate any guidance and tips as I am pretty new to Fluent.

    • Ren
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, Diego,

      You could use the SBES turbulence model. The time step size needs to be small because of the supersonic flow. Using the "Stiff Chemsitry Solver" will help as well.



    • dkmenend

      Hi, Since I plan on doing this in 2D i dont have access to the SBES model, do you know what could be good for 2D. Also, I've been trying to use an inlet at the left end of a rectangle to start a shock wave but I am having a hard time getting the right settings to see a shock wave form. I can provide more details on what i've been trying but also just wondering generally how I would start a combustion front shock wave. 

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