3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Design Modeler?

    • ashiadarsh

      Can we assign a body as frozen to the imported CAD geometry in ANSYS Design modeler?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      yes, you can do that. 

      go to file - import external file. then in details you can select 'add frozen' under 'operation'. 

      if this helps you, please mark this post as 'is solution' to help others on forum. 

    • ashiadarsh

      my body is split into two...i want only one part to be add as frozen...Is it possible?Thank you the reply

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      use tools - freeze. 

      it will freeze everything. 

      then use tools - unfreeze to unfreeze required bodies. 

      if this helps you, please mark this post as 'is solution' to help others on forum.


    • ashiadarsh

      Ok that helped...but when we go for meshing contact regions are showing...how to establish connections between the two domains?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      you will do that in fluent. 

    • ashiadarsh

      you mean defining Mesh Interfaces in ANSYS FLUENT?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee


    • Randhir
      Sir, how we can define mesh interface between two solids and then between fluid and solid for the same geometry?
    • Ram Gopisetti
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Array,
      for fluent only you can do the following
      Any contacts that were detected in the meshing in connection group will be automatically imported into fluent unless you modified them ,you can also define manual contact between faces or entities , thus applies to any bodies irrespective of type (solid or fluid) and this contacts are shown in mesh interface node of fluent tree..
      Therefore, you need to make sure you have defined contacts and if you are need heat to be transferred make sure you make contacts as coupled.
      Cheers, Ram
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