

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Density Solver – Ejector

    • SilverRD


      May I kindly ask for your help. I am doing a simulation for an ejector the details are...

      Solver: Density based.

      Model: Transition SST (4 eqn)

      Material properties: R1234ze (Density, Cp, thermal conduction, viscosity > real gas - nist).

      Formulation: Implicit

      Flux Type: Roe-FDS

      Spatial Discretization

      Gradient: Least Squares Cell Based

       Flow: Third-Order MUSCL

       Turbulent Kinetic Energy: Third-Order MUSCL

       Specific Dissipation Rate: Third-Order MUSCL

        Intermittency: Third-Order MUSCL

        Momentum Thickness Re: Third-Order MUSCL

      do i need to run the simulaiton more than 42250 times?


    • SRP
      Ansys Employee




      I suggest you to try FMG initilization. Flow convergence can be accelerated if a better initial solution is used at the start of the calculation. The Full Multigrid initialization (FMG initialization) can provide this initial and approximate solution at a minimum cost to the overall computational expense. other you can try using real gas property table (RGP). 

      You can refer to fluent user’s guide for more on FMG initilization: 33.10. Full Multigrid (FMG) Initialization (ansys.com)

      Thank you



    • SilverRD

      Hello! Is there any way to open the link you provided?

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      Please refer to this forum discussion: Using Help with links (ansys.com)

      Hope this helps you.

      Thank you.

    • SilverRD

      Hi! I followed your suggestion to use fmg initialization. however, there are some error. May i kindly ask how to fix these errors?

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      Such error mostly occur due to bad mesh. Can you please share your mesh statistics?

      Thank you.

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