TAGGED: ansys-apdl, ansys-mechanical-apdl, apdl-command, ekill, ekill-elements
January 19, 2023 at 2:49 pmpv00170Subscriber
I want to use an EKILL command in Static Structural as I don't know how to import CFD results into Explicit Dynamic (seems impossible to drag Fluent-solution to Explicit Dynamic-Setup).
Therefore I am using the following code found in: "https://simutechgroup.com/performing-ekill-element-death-in-mechanical"
! kill elements (EKILL Element Death) for which nodes have values above a designated value…
/com, #############################################
/com, #
*get,myncmls,active,,solu,ncmls ! cumulative number of load steps
*if,myncmls,gt,0,then ! if this is after the first
cmsel,s,elem_to_kill_body ! ELEMENT component to be checked
nsle ! nodes on these elements
SELTOL,1.0e-12 ! stay within range below
! #########
nsel,r,s,eqv,230,2000000 ! re-select nodes with results above a value <<<
! #########
SELTOL ! selection tolerance back to default
*get,numnode,node,,count ! how many nodes with result above?
esln ! elements with any node selected
! if first load step, have result written to in-memory database
/config,noeldb,0 ! write results into the database
/solu ! continue with solution
/com, #
/com, #############################################
!I have never used APDL but I assume that the following lines have to be ammended:
cmsel,s,elem_to_kill_body ! ELEMENT component to be checked
In here "elem_to_kill_body" I have to substitute with my Named selection to be checked
nsel,r,s,eqv,230,2000000 ! re-select nodes with results above a value <<<
In here I have to change "r,s,eqv,230,2000000" in order to check stresses above a definned value
I want to delete cells with stresses greater than a value, how should I change the previous command?
Thank you,
January 19, 2023 at 6:18 pmErik KostsonAnsys Employee
See the help manual (command reference) and the nsel command for more details.
Also see this as the nsel command you have is taken from here:
All the best
January 20, 2023 at 1:58 pmpv00170Subscriber
Hi Erik, I have also another question: does this APDL only work when using "Large deformations"?
January 20, 2023 at 2:01 pmErik KostsonAnsys Employee
The nsel command just selects some nodes, do not believe there is such a restriction. Again the help manual would mention it, so have a look there.
All the bestErik
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