LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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Define user_derfined_viscosity MAT_SPH_VISCOUS

    • WooMin Jang

      Hello i'm a master student developing user material. 

      i'm wondering that how can i define user- derfined viscosity in mat_sph_viscous subroutine in package.. 

      1) Is it possible to link my umat41v with subroutine f3dm9sph_userdefin? 

          I want to define the material that is solid when elastic and fluid when after yielding 

      2) In subroutine f3dm9sph_userdefin, is the xmu is the variable to define?? 

           i can't understand that there's no example in the package... 





      I really appreciate your help...

      please help me



    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      Dear WooMin,

      You can use DEFINE_ADAPTIVE_SOLID_TO_SPH to transform a solid element to an SPH particle, though the material properties will be taken from the original solid element.

      If you want your material to behave more like a fluid after yielding, you can just define it appropriately in the material routine itself, no need to call a separate routine. 

      f3dm9sph_userdefin is called from within MAT_SPH_VISCOUS, and it;s not meaningful to call it from elsewhere.

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