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Define custom volumetric reaction rate in a porous medium

    • nselvara
      Ansys Employee

      How to define custom volumetric reaction rate in a porous medium?

    • Arun Kumar

      It is possible to define a custom volumetric reaction rate through a DEFINEVRRATE UDF (User-Defined Function) macro. In the case of a porous zone, the actual reaction will take place in only the fluid region of the porous medium, therefore, the true reaction rate is the value defined in DEFINEVRRATE multiplied by the porosity.

    • VidushiUCT

      You can see a tutorial on UDF for reactions in porous media from the UDF manual.

    • Goenitz

      But how can we be sure that reaction is only taking place on porous site, just and not everywhere in domain ( my reaction isn't like combustion, which can occur anywhere but reforming, which only occur in presence of catalyst?

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      By using Boolean If you are in the correct cell zone thread.
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