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De-embedding port in Ansys Circuit

    • Karim Rafiki


      Is it possible to perform port de-embedding in Ansys Circuit like in HFSS with a wave port or a lumped port ?

      For example, I apply a 3 mm de-embedding on port 1 in HFSS, and I want to do the same thing but in Circuit

      Thank you in advance for your responses

    • Dan Dv
      Ansys Employee

      Not like that on arbitrarty s-parameters. In Circuit, if have the s-parameters of a fixture and a full device under test, you can utialize the "use recirpricol" options to de-embed the fixture from the DUT in a LNA simulation. But that is different than de-embbeding a fixed distince from a wave port. You can make that work, if it is a dynamically linked HFSS project and if you make the demebeeding distance a parameter. In that case, you would be able to change the de-embedded distance by changing that parameter in the Circuit component for the HFSS model. 

      Best regards,


    • Karim Rafiki

      Thanks you for response Dan, I have an other question when I disable de-embedding in HFSS, the results in circuit do not change althought normally it is post-prcoessing

      Best regards,


    • Dan Dv
      Ansys Employee

      I'm not sure why that might be happening. I would expect the circuit results to change. Have you tried using the "refresh link" right mouse click option for the HFSS compoinent in the schematic? 

    • Karim Rafiki

      Yes the results change, thanks you but I tried to put the de-embedding distance as a parameter but Ansys Circuit does not detect this parameter dynamically because it's post processing 

      • David Prestaux
        Ansys Employee

        Hello Rafik, you may also use HFSS port solver as a transmission line model and used it in cicuit. once done, you will be able to assign the length as a parameter.

        1/ include a HFSS design as port based solution / transmssion line model:

        use HFSS port solution  as transmission line model


        2/ parameterize the transmssion line model:


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