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DDPM Modeling with DEM Collisions

    • medhavi

      How do I incorporate initial bed height (static bed height) in a spouted/fluidized bed column, using DDPM model with DEM collisions? 

      I have attached a picture from a research paper for reference.

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      you use a volumetric injection or inject from a plane in the domain inject the particles let them settle down then activate flow.
    • medhavi

      Thanks for the reply.

      Can you please share any tutorial/reference, if you are aware of any such, for defining these injections? 




    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      I am sorry I do not have any tutorials to share. Probably you will find examples on the Customer Portal if you have access. There is no magic here: You inject the particle mass required and let them settle down in the column. After that you start with gas flow into the bed. The documentation does talk about volume and surface injection.

    • medhavi

      Thank you.

    • medhavi

      I tried using surface injection and ran the simulation. But the column remain unfilled. I have attached screenshot of the injection setting panel.

      Can you help further?

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      Use volume injection and fill the domain let the particles settle down. You can mathematically make rough estimate about number of parcels being injected to reach the required height. Similar can be gone by continuously injecting from surface till the dominant is filled. Do not solve flow in both cases.
    • medhavi

      Alright, thanks!

      I will try it.

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      Welcome! If you have access to the portal or your supervisor you might find there a tutorial /example for that. 

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