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Data export from simulation way too slow

    • Sebastien ARRIVET



      I'm trying to export results in .csv format, from a static simulation.

      I've struggled to understand how to achieve that, but after looking around in various forum I came up with that bit of code:





      csv_name = 'out_node_U_s_1_LAST_post.csv'




















          *cfwrite, %no_node%,variable_S11,variable_S22,variable_S33,variable_S12,variable_S13,variable_S23,variable_SEQV






      The simulation in itself takes less than a second, as the model is very light (around 12k nodes, shell181 elements, one step and simple load), but the export (the selection has around 10k nodes) takes more than 15min on a cluster with loads of ram and cpus.

      I have a large amount of such simulation to carry, and I can't understand how outputing 10k nodes can take that much time when the simulation itself wrote it in the .rst file in less than a second.

      If you know a better way for outputs I'm listening, as I'm kinda stucked.


    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      HI Sebastien,

      You have a do loop that goes through 10k times(once for each node). 

      A much more efficient way to read data into arrays is to use the *VGET command. *VGET is much like *GET , except instead of returning a scalar parameter, *VGET fills arrays with data. 

      You do not need a do loop. Here is an example:

      cmsel, s, N_POST  
      *vget,array_S11,node,,S,X   !component stress in X

      Check help doc for more details: *VGET (


    • Sebastien ARRIVET

      Thanks for your answer. I've tried the following based on what I understood:

      *vwrite, node_list,array_S11,array_S22,array_S33


      And I get the following warning: "Some entities requested in the *VGET were underfined". It happens for the request of S,X; S,Y and S,Z. 

      I'm not familiar with array like variable in ANSYS APDL, so I'm not sure how to solve that.

    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      select the result set in post prcessor. For example:


      set,last  !select last result set

    • Sebastien ARRIVET

      I selected it just before the code I pasted:

      csv_name = 'out_node_U_s_1_LAST_post.csv'

    • Sebastien ARRIVET

      Also: i've tried without the /PREP7 but the doc seems to indicate that NLIST or NSEL only works in /PREP7 for *VGET

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