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Custom module

    • sk02821

      I am working with the fluidization of non-spherical particles and need to modify the drag law in a custom module in Rocky. Could someone help me with creating and implementing this custom module?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Most of that should be covered in the documentation, and there may even be examples in the API and modules sections. 

      How non-spherical are the particles, and do you have all of the drag v orientation data?

    • sk02821

      Some specific particles like ellipdoidal, cuboid, and cylinder.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I think they're available by default, check the options in Rocky. If you do some of the tutorials as a starting point see what shapes you can create. 

    • sk02821

      I am able to creat the particles but I think I need to change in the drag coefficient in the module.

    • Vinicius
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Salma,

      Take a look at tutorial 23, available on Ansys' help page. You will find a step-by-step guide on how to install the SDK dependencies and compile your first module. After that, you can check the available examples on Ansys' customer portal. You will find a custom drag force module, that will serve you as a good starting point.   

    • sk02821

      Thank you so much for all the responces.

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