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Current Release – 2024 R1 License

    • jwsidabras

      Hello, I am unable to add a license file with a freshly installed (no other flexlm servers) of 2024R1. The error I recieve is simply:
      2024/04/04 15:03:13: Error occurred while adding license file.

      I have manually installed the license.dat file in both C:\flexlm\ and the C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\licensing\license_files folders with no change in error messages. I've never had to do more than update the license manager software and insert my new license. I've been working on this for the last 3 days with different computers with the same results. 

      Management Center Log. 

      "The ANSYS License Management Center log file was not found at the following location:
      C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\licensing\tools\lmcenter\logs\ansyslmcenter.log"

      License Log

      14:42:26 (lmgrd) Server's System Date and Time: Thu Apr 04 2024 14:42:26 Central Daylight Time
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) pid 35392
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) Changing message security level from -1 to 0
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) SLOG: Summary LOG statistics is enabled.
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) license manager: can't initialize:Cannot find license file.
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) The license files (or license server system network addresses) attempted are
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) listed below.  Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file,
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) or contact your software provider for a license file.
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) Filename: "C:\flexlm\license.dat"
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) License Path: "C:\flexlm\license.dat"
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) FlexNet Licensing error:-1,359
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) System Error:2 No such file or directory
      14:42:26 (lmgrd) Using license file "C:\flexlm\license.dat"



    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Jason,

      What's the name of license file with extension?

    • jwsidabras


      In the two folders I placed a license.dat file, but my current file is Ansys_license__.lic

    • jwsidabras

      I am also unable to delete the instance entirely using the 

      sc delete

      With a permission denied, eventhough I am a full administrative user in Windows 10. 

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Jason,

      Please share screenshot of error, and share the location where you have *.lic file.


    • jwsidabras

      Of course!

    • jwsidabras



    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Open the license.dat file and share the screenshot.

      Didn't you generate a license file from licensing.ansys.com or received it from your AM?

    • jwsidabras

      Generated from the website. Since it wasn't working on the computer we had it working on before, I transfered to this new computer:


    • jwsidabras

      To delete the system comands from your computer, you can goto 


      And remove them. Elevated privileges (administrator) for cmd.exe is not enough. Restart the computer. 

    • jwsidabras

      I have completely removed 2024 R1 and downgraded all the way to 2022 R2 licnese manager with the same error. I now believe that this is an error with my license file, which now states SUB, where it used to state ANSYS. I am working with the people who sent me the license file to see if this is an issue on their end. Please confirm is this is your conclusion also. 


    • jwsidabras

      This seems to not be the issue. I am still stuck, I cannot get this license to work. 

      I am working on trying to install the license server on my linux machine to have, yet one more, computer to test this license on. Any help will be appreciated. 


    • jwsidabras

      This has been resolved. I installed the license server in a linux computer and was able to host everything with little to no issues. However, the problem with the windows computer remains. I was able to solve it on the Windows system by doing the following

      1. Remove all services associated with past and present license servers by deleting the "Ansys*" instances at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services
      2. Reboot the computer
      3. Delete the C:/Program Files/ directory that holds the files of the license manager software
      4. Install the license managare OUTSIDE that of the C:/Program Files/ director. I put it in C:/AnsoftLicense/ and insured there were no spaces in this top level directory
      5. Continue as normal with installing the license file and started the server. 

      Point number 4 seems to be where I was having errors. I do not know if this is a general issue or a highly personal one. Either case, this solved my problem. I am now waiting for a port to be opened up to complete be sure. Otherwise, I will run the license on the linux system. 

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