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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

creating conformal periodic boundary


    • Shyam Prasad V Atri

      when i use the tui command




      how would I know if it created a conformal periodic or not? is there any way to cross-check?

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      You should create periodic zones before bringing your mesh into Fluent Solution mode to ensure it is conformal.

      For example, if you use the Watertight Geometry workflow in Fluent Meshing: 3.6. Setting Up Periodic Boundaries (ansys.com)

    • Shyam Prasad V Atri

      I see..but I have already created the models and i am doing this

      I have many models for which i have to create periodic boundaries so i can't go ahead and change all the mesh now. is it possible to do this with TUI?

      when i use this command 


      i get an option to pick translation or rotation and give distance vector but i did not see the option of conformal or nonconformal coming up on the console when I used the TUI command.

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      I just ran a test on my end and I am unable to make periodic zones using the TUI command if the number of elements do not match between the 2 zones. Additionally, creating a non-conformal periodic zone will create a Mesh interface. So perhaps there lies your cross-checking.

      I invite you to try this, if you do not have a Mesh interface after creation of the periodic zone, it would suggest that the 2 boundaries are conformal.

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Actually, you can use this command instead 


      This command gives you the option for Conformal/Non-Conformal

    • Shyam Prasad V Atri

      /mesh/modify-zones/create-periodic-interface command worked.

      Thank you so much for suggesting this.

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Happy to help! :)

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