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Creating a solid dense cilinder appended with another solid body

    • LuisFig

      Hello. I am having a problem in my Ansys Geometry (DesignModeler) that should be fairly easy but I am having a difficult time finding a solution.

      I have a solid plate and I am trying to create a new body (a solid cylinder) that is connected to the plate and when I design the circle and then extrude, the cylinder that is created is hollow (and I need the cylinder to be not hollow, that is, a completly solid and dense cylinder).

      Can somebody help me with this problem? Thank you in advance.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Are you extruding the face or the edge?
    • LuisFig
      I basically created a new referential whose origin is inside the plate and then in that referential I drew the circleand extrude the face in order to create a cylinder. This cylinder is prependicular to the plate.
      And I still believe that the cylinder I am creating is a hollow cylinder.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Create a Section Plane and post the images: that'll help explain what's going on.
    • LuisFig
      Thank you for your help Rob.

      From the Section Plane I see that all the solid bodys that I am creating are hollow bodys, even when I extrude from a face instead of extruding from an edge.
      I don't know how to solve this problem and I really need that all my solid bodys to be perfectly dense (not hollow).
      I would very much appreciate if you could help me.

      Thank you
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Please post the image.
    • LuisFig
      Thank you so much for your help Rob.
      As you can see in the first picture there is a suposedly aluminium plate which was created extruding the SurfaceSK2.
      In the second image there is a section plane cut in that same plate. Although it is quite thin you can see that the plate is hollow, when I needed to be completly dense.
      Do you think you could help me understand what am I doing wrong? Thank you

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      With the exception of the surface body everything is solid. Are you sure it's hollow and you're not getting confused by it being transparent? What happens if you mesh it?
    • LuisFig
      Dear Rob, thank you for your help.
      In the first picture you see a cable which seems hollow. In the second picture you can see the mesh on the same cable. That mesh proves that the cable is completly dense? Because the results that I am getting make me believe that the cable is hollow.
      Thank you for your help

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Put a cut plane through the cable. In the Meshing image you only have solid (fluid) zones. However, if you look closely it seems like you have some extra lines on the mesh which may suggest a duplicate, disconnected, body.
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