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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Crack Extension in a Compact Tension Model using SMART Crack Growth

    • external.william.garcia

      I am testing some compact tension models in Ansys Workbench to learn how SMART Crack Growth works. Right now I am facing some difficulty in increasing the crack extension. Can anyone guess why this is occurring? I have changed many fracture parameters in order to see their influence on the crack extension, but no success. 

      This is the maximum crack extension I can get:

    • Stella Peloni
      Ansys Employee



      The question in too general. Does your analysis stop? If this is the case, review the Errors Warnings and act accordingly. Generally, you should pay attention to the mesh. The crack mesh should be sufficiently refined and the coordinate system should be placed correctly (x axis pointing to the crack direction, y axis perpendicular to the crack faces).Also, be sure that the global mesh is not too coarse.  Additionally, pay attention to the substeps you are using. Crack Growth is directly controlled by the number of substeps. 

      Apart from the above, make sure that your loading conditions are correct and sufficient to propagate the crack further. Finally, make sure that you have defined the stress intensity factor (or Paris Law constants) correctly and paid attention to the units. 

      Kind Regards,


    • Sergio Blanco

      Hello Stella,

      I'd like to ask you a question regarding your statement "Crack Growth is directly controlled by the number of substeps". I am too starting to work with SMART fracture in Ansys and I am obtaining very different results when I reduce the time substep (or increasing the number of substeps). At the end, should I converge to a solution when I use a substep time small enough or the solution with the SMART module is dependent on the number of substeps used?

      Thank you very much,


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