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Corrosion modeling

    • Shamkhal Mammadov

      Hello everyone, I recently started working on CFD simulations with Ansys.

      I am interested in corrosion simulation in ansys through electrochemistry. 

      I watched one of the recent corrosion webinars by Mr. Jatale. ( ).

      I wanted to repeat the case with a pipe with two phases, CO2+water, 95% to 5% ratio.




    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I can't see any tutorials in the system at present, so there may only be what was shown in the webinar and User's Guide. Recheck in the 2023R2 documentation when that's released. 

    • Shamkhal Mammadov

      When that version will be released?  Current one that we have is 2022R1.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      2023R1 was released in January, we're expecting 2023R2 soon (I don't have an exact date). 

    • Shamkhal Mammadov

      How to turn on the QMOM model? inside Ansys? I have two phases CO2 and Water 95% to 5% ratio

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It's in Eulerian Multiphase. I'd think carefully before using it if you're still learning the basics. Other than documentation I don't think there's anything on the public side of the system to help you learn. 

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