Embedded Software

Embedded Software

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Correct usage of “mapfoldw” iterator.

    • fdtsaid

      In Scade Language Reference 8.5 Operator Application and Higher-Order Patterns, it illustrated that the usage of foldw:

      idx, acc = (foldw op << size >> if cond0)(acc0, A1,...,An)
      is equivalent to particular form of mapfoldw:
      idx, _, acc = (mapfoldw 1 op << size >> if cond0)(acc0, A1, ..., An)
      Should it be the following form instead?
      idx, _, acc = (mapfoldw 1 op << size >> if cond0 default ())(acc0, A1, ..., An)
      Because the syntax definition of mapfoldw is 
      operator ::= (iterator_mw operator << size >> if expr default expr)
      iterator_mw ::= mapfoldw [[ INTEGER ]]
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